Vector Architects: Alila Yangshuo hotel in Yangshuo, China
Alberto Bologna
Bologna, Alberto. 2018. “Vector Architects. Alila Yangshuo, Guangxi, Cina. L’ornamento attraverso l’iper-artigianalità.” Casabella 887-888 (7-8): 27-39.
ISSN 0008-7181
“The Alila Yangshuo hotel complex completed in Yangshuo, in the Guangxi region of China, designed by the studio Vector Architects of Beijing, is not just the latest episode of a path of design research conducted by Gong Dong in recent years, but also represents a modus operandi that is emerging in the work of an elite among Chinese architects. […] At Alila Yangshuo architectural space displays itself as the final result of an architectural formalism with an international matrix, pursued and mediated by a surface complexity that could only be obtained through strategic use of local constructive conditions: an attitude that underlies an erudite, sophisticated creative process and that in all probability will be an identifying feature of the design research conducted by Vector Architects in the years to come.”