Tongzhou: Suburbanisation and decentralisation
Filippo Fiandanese
In Territorio 2018, Vol. 85, pp. 40-44
Fiandanese, F. (2018). Tongzhou: Suburbanisation and decentralisation. Territorio, 85, pp. 40-44
This paper is part of the special issue: The Cities after Chinese New Towns edited by Michele Bonino, Francesca Governa and Angelo Sampieri
DOI: 10.3280/TR2018-085004
This article presents the new town of Tongzhou, Located Eastern of Beijing, in a suburban area of the city. Tongzhou New Town is everything but new: it is the last step of a long process of urban expansion and the many municipal attempts to cope with the hyper-concentration of services and population in Beijing city centre. Exploring Tongzhou New Town is thus a way to understand the processes of expansion and decentralization of Beijing both at a metropolitan and macro-regional level.