Clichy-Batignolles, Paris: A case of successful inner-city regeneration
Giulio Verdini
Verdini, Giulio. 2015. “Clichy-Batignolles, Paris: a case of successful inner-city regeneration.” World Architecture/Shijie Jianzhu 2015 (12): 124-127
ISSN 1002-4832
The article deals with the regeneration of inner-city rail station areas; the successful case of Gare Saint-Lazare in Paris is analyzed by Giulio Verdini, an architect and urban planner based in China and Paris. The quality of this recent project is evident at different levels: as an innovative experiment of planning with public consultation, as a new mixed-used neighborhood organized around a beautiful park, as a collection of interesting contemporary buildings promoted through open architecture competitions. The memory of the old rails has been interpreted as an occasion for creating significant urban connections, and the city of Paris demonstrated again and again its rare capacity to regenerate itself.