Beijing: how the Design Week, softly, changes the Hutongs’ appearance
Lidia Preti
Preti, Lidia. 2019. “Pechino: così la Design Week cambia, in modo soft, il volto degli hutong” Il Giornale dell’Architettura, November 21, 2019.
ISSN 2284-1369
“The article, starting from the circumstance of the 10th edition of the Beijing Design Week, investigates the implication of the event at the architectural and urban scale in a specific historical neighborhood of the city of Beijing, Baitasi. Four years after the first involvement of the neighborhood, which are the results of these initiatives? Although it is necessary to remember the temporary nature of the actions linked to the Design Week, it is possible to observe a main transformation direction that imply some more permanent practices inside the neighborhood. The opportunities created by the Beijing Design Week have been the engine, within the consolidated historical fabric, of new practices that have revitalized spaces and initiated progressively more permanent and important transformations.”